A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism... We are one planet. ~ Carl Sagan
View The Blackfish Prophecy→
Know this, young whale dreamer. What you are about to see is one of the most vital pieces of orca-human history ever experienced. It is the reason I have chosen to stay on Earth for so many years, and it is the reason our kind have not given up... It is the key to Earth's salvation... It is no mistake you are here, either. We've been waiting for you. ~ The Blackfish Prophecy
Are the whales calling you to join us?
One night in 2012, I had a dream. In it, a wise matriarchal killer whale slid up out of her black waters onto a sunny, pebbly beach beside me and my sons. We were on the Pacific Northwest coast, and the dream felt more real than life. The whale gazed into our eyes, and the joy my kids and I felt in her presence was indescribable. Somehow, I knew she had a message...
Dr. Jane Goodall:
When I began to read, I was absolutely captivated. A marvelous story, and I love the spiritual aspect. I have myself experienced the connection between Native Americans and First Nation's people, and dolphins.
Rachel at Penn Cove, Washington. Here, many members of the now endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale community were captured and killed in the 1960s and 70s. To this day they have not returned to Penn Cove. One of the whales has spent the 47 years since her capture in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium, as Lolita (also known by her Salish name, Tokitae). Her mother, Ocean Sun, is alive and swims wild with the rest of their family pod. Toki, Ocean Sun, & Granny—along with another beloved soul, the now deceased Tilikum—inspired central characters in The Blackfish Prophecy.
About the Featured Photo: Orca pod with Seattle skyline. Taken October 29, 2013 via federal research permit. The photo was taken on the same day that nearly three-dozen orcas surrounded a ferry carrying Salish tribal artifacts from Seattle to Bainbridge Island—the site of a historic tribal longhouse. Suquamish Tribal Chairman Leonard Forsman, also on-board the ferry, said, "We believe the orcas took a little break from their fishing to swim by the ferry, to basically put a blessing on what we were on that day."
[Banner Photo: Provided with permission by Candice Emmons of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Northwest Fisheries Science Center.]